Projection Mapping Model Test

Myself and Toni decided to try and project the car ready for the main presenation. We had some issues with VVVV working and getting the projector to work. Once we switched computers in the base room, we were able to get the projector to work but not VVVV.

From here, we just decided to try and line up the images to the car.

We moved the angle of the projector and the car to try and get the best results but really struggled without the use of projection mapping. This was only because we were unsure of how to do it in VVVV.

This shows that part of the car was not being projected on despite lining the front of the image up. I decided to take all the equiptment home and redo the images, measuring my distance and angle from the car. Toni began to redo the animate GUI i did and make a cleaner, polished fully functional version.


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